Monday, July 6, 2009

Surf City, NC 2009 (part 2)

here's the rest of the beach pictures

Jeff & Abby playing tea (I think?)
Notice Nick all tired in the background, there's a BIG reason for that.

Daddy & his little girl

goofing off on the deck...

Friday night there was a terrential downpour with flooded streets. After the storm passed the kids found some little frogs outside... we had little froggie races, they put them in pails, passed them around, then at last let them hop along their merry way...
Hannah showing off "Hoppy" and what was the 2nd ones name again?

Sydney showing off Hoppy and ol' whats his name...
random shot of Sydney dancing :)

I finally worked up the nerve to hold one

Thompson checking out his little froggies

& the end to this never-ending post. I'm glad I'm finally done w/the beach pix, aren't you?


Jenny Lo said...

nice photos! daddy and girl are my favorite! =)

ncmikie said...

is that all there is ????