Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Surf City, NC 2009 (part 1)

super big posts to show this is why I haven't been able to get up & go to the gym in the wee dark hours of the morning. It was another fun-filled beach week with the whole crew. There are too many pix in this post to logically organize them. At least I got the post done~ phew...

more to come... my editing is still no good but it still takes a long time!

Abby chillin' with a little snack on the upper deck

on the way to the beach

playing smoosh the face on the door -- crazy fun!!

some of the usual crew here's Josh & his son Lindon

Thompson showing off his coloring skills

Abby trying to keep up with her pal. Sporting the Hannah Montana shades (thanks Hannah for letting her borrow them) :)

Susan & Abby (c905 camera phone) -- VOTE -- should I submit this as one of the 10 shots in our Sony Ericsson Summer Photo contest? Love how Abby is cuddling but don't like how pudgy I look (can't quite photoshop that out)

Trying to get Abby warmed up after her bath. House was very cold!!


Wall Family said...

Did you stay at the same house as last year?

Jenny Lo said...

your camera phone picture- it's not the's that it's taken from the back so it's hard to see. i like the bottom picture! Glad you all had some beach fun.

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