Friday, July 17, 2009

bedtime songs

Abby singing some bedtime songs

1) one of my all-time favorite Korean folk songs "sahn-toh-kee" (roughly translated to "mountain rabbit"). Which by the way as I didn't know the words to the 2nd verse I ordered the CD while pregnant so Abby could one day learn the words. Good thing I did she likes the song! ;)

2) ABC's

PS, these are another set of 2 month old videos. She can sing the rabbit song a whole lot better on her own now. After all she has had 2 months longer to practice. Who knows when I will get to to taping those let alone posting it.

Don't hold your breath waiting for another song.


Wall Family said...

For some reason I could not open it. Will try later.

Mirin's mom said...

omg.. she did so well on the abc song and it was 2 months ago. Mirin still can't sing this clear even now. Good job Abby!

Jenny Lo said...

well done ! i like how she's holding her hands up to her head- rabbit fingers motions?