Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The teacher behind the shots...

Here she is Ms Ty-Eysha!! She's the dear teacher behind the iphone pictures from daycare. Everyone *cheer* and please say thanks for sending all these pictures (you can leave comments to tell her, since *I* love comments & she does stop by Abby's blog) :)

I certainly would not be blogging as much lately without her.

Riding her scooter today. I love she's so color-coordinated today! (Doesn't happen too often, blame me). That muddy dirt in the playground is why her brand new shoes are mud laden alread *sigh* I should give up on her having clean shoes.

Random pictures... catching bubbles in class! Love that look on her face.


Anonymous said...

Great shots!

Mirin's mom said...

Finally meet the teacher behind the shots. She's the one who makes this blog so full of pics. Good job.. I like these pics.

Wall Family said...

Thanks Ms Ty-Eysha for nice pictures!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome teacher abby has!! So cool that she takes such amazing photos. I love all of them. It's great seeing how much abby has grown, she is precious ! miss you all, Dani