Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Talk to the hand!

From Ms Tyeysha (of course!!) ;)

Abby & her friend Brandon had fun playing today. At this point, Abby was tired of whatever Brandon had to say.

Ms Tyeysha told Abby "not nice"... Brandon was the one that was sorry. What a sweetie! Abby can be such a little meanie sometimes. To which Nick would say "figures takes after her mom"... *rolling eyes*...

There's a boombox on the other side of the fence. Abby's listening and dancing. All the fencing in this corner makes the playground look a bit like kid prison huh? j/p~~ its just to separate the toddler and older kids' play areas...

She just blew a *kiss* & looks so darn proud of her little self

Sitting with Ms. Pat during storytime

1 comment:

Jenny Lo said...

Is brandon her friend? Is abby the bully? Of course not, right??????