Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sunny Day in Fayetteville, NC

Mirin, Jayden & Abby went to visit Darin's aunt house in Fayetteville. They had tons of fun splashing in the kiddie pool, playing with the sprinkler, splashing in the pool and picking blueberries. Darin, Pia & I had Vietnamese food for lunch. It was the best VT food ever, yumm!!

& the kicker (my Philly family get a load of this!?!) lowest gas prices: $3.65/gallon

Mirin & her great aunt Pida (spelling?) Nice lawn huh? I've never seen such a well manicured lawn plus pear & banana trees, blueberries bushes, rose garden & even a persimmon plant. I hate hate my pampas grass but their row of pampas grass really looked nice.

Here's Mirin's blog:

Jayden & his mommy Pia

Not so unusual seeing Abby eat BUT she's eating fried rice!!!! She has NEVER EVER touched a bit of the fried rice, steamed rice, any kind of rice in our house. (Well minus the exceptions of puffed Korean rice snacks & rice pudding).


Mirin's mom said...

We had so so much fun!! The kids really had a great time running around without worrying about hearing familiar word "No" from mommies. The food was good ha? Worth a trip just to go eat alone. I love that restaurant.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a blast!!