Monday, November 16, 2009

Fun in Texas (part 1)

My older brother Scott & I met in Houston to go visit our Halmuhnee (Grandmom). I really meant to take pictures of the food (AWESOME SUSHI! and that tempura battered cheesecake... yikes) but forgot. So here's some other fun. More pix on my camera & will be posted soon.

I think I just found my new haircut!!

So I tried it on... with some help from my aunt (pictured) & cousin Richard (not pictured)

As my brother & I were heading to the airport, I thought this "rain gauge" was interesting. I don't think I've ever seen one of these before. Its near an underpass.


ncmikie said...

That "rain gauge" is actually there to let the dummies know how deep the water is under the overpass during heavy rains. You've seen those pictures of cars submerged under a bridge and the fool sitting on top of the car waiting for a rescue!

ncmikie said...

BTW I like the new proposed Do ...

Jenny Lo said...

the picture with the wig (not a fan btw too close to your face, longer layers better) your smile is like Abby's ...or rather, Abby has your smile!