Monday, November 16, 2009

Houston (part 2)

Here is the real reason we went down to Houston, it was to visit our dear Halmuhnee (Grandmother). It was nice spending time with her and seeing when she remembered. She still smiles and I could still see the glimmer in her eyes. She is sharp. My brother Scott and I arrived on Saturday. When I went to pick some persimmons from the tree at one point, she even asked where I was. On Sunday morning she remembered me and repeated I was leaving today and I have 1 child. She told me to have another, at least 2, next one a boy. She said she had 7 children, 1 boy, 6 girls. What time is your flight again? 4:00, okay you have time then.

Thank you very much to our dear cousin Richard, our aunt & uncle who give so much of themselves to take care of our Halmuhnee in their home.

Scott and Halmuhnee

An oldie but a super goodie. My 2 brothers, Scott (left), Halmuhnee and Jason (right) at her 80th birthday party. Check out her HUGE smile!!

1 comment:

Jenny Lo said...

wished i could have been there too. but even more glad both of you visited.