Monday, October 26, 2009

Hill Ridge Farm 2009

Nick, Abby & I spent the afternoon at Hill Ridge Farm in Youngsville, NC. I think Abby was just upset because she wanted to do everything in sight... and wouldn't dare say she was too tired!

Hay Maze

Corn Playhouse, a kids' favorite! If there wasn't a line she would have stayed in there for hours. In fact she was the last one out from her group.

Just landed from the Giant Mountain Slide.

Family Time at the Hay Ride. We took a ride to the pumpkin field to pick out pumpkins. We tried to leave after that but Abby wasn't through!

So we went back for Pony rides...

She got to ride the pretty white one, just like she wanted

Picking out the perfect pumpkin...


Mirin's mom said...

i don't think Mirin dare to ride the real pony! If we go after halloween might be less people???

Jenny Lo said...

great pictures!