Monday, October 19, 2009

Say Cheese! No say CUP CAKE!

Nick picked up a pair of monster Halloween cup cakes for Abby as a surprise tonight. Yesterday she was yammering on & on about CUP CAKES. We had pictures taken by Amanda and instead of saying cheese, she kept saying "no say cup cake!"

How fitting that after feeding Abby with the 5 pds of sugar Nick was off to play cards tonight. She was super happy obviously. & I devised a plan to play a little soccer outside to burn off the sugar. Fun night had by all!

ready to devour!!

before Abby-the-cupcake-monster attacks...

& after!! notice none of the cake is touched =)

& one for the road...


Anonymous said...

Love all your new posts! Abby is getting so big. So much fun!

Wall Family said...

What a messy girl. Yum!