Sunday, August 30, 2009

Philly, Shower & Birthdays

I flew up to Philly for my brother Jason and sis-in-law Jeanie's baby shower. Sorry I was way too occupied to take pix at the shower plus there were many pro canon cameras being flicked about I'm sure pictures will be shared soon.

Flew up Friday night. Flight (almost) got delayed! Actually was supposed to be delayed. Then got pulled back into the regularly scheduled time. We had to book it across town, in the rain, to get there. I ran from the car, through security, of course it was the last stinking gate and to my seat in 6 minutes flat -- my new personal record!! Phew~~ and got into Philly 10 minutes early.

Sat AM, went for a 6 mile run. My mom & dad did not believe me that at Schuylkill River Trail is always busy. Regardless of the hour which was around 7. Not too early since they convinced me only to do 1/2 my usual 10-11 miler. So my Mom actually went with me! No JOKE!!!! The agreement was if it was a terrential downpour we would bag it or I'd run from her neighborhood instead. Well it was only a little drizzle to rain so we went. She ended up walking behind me after 10-15 minutes. Then called me (I had to carry my phone on my hydration belt to soothe her). She even followed me in the car. It did help me to run faster. But I'm digressing from the weekend.

I stopped a few x's from the beginning of the run to take a few pix. Here's the BACHELOR's boathouse LMHS used to row from back in the day. Who knows if they use it now. The new header is the Phila Art Museum as a panoramic :)

My brother Scott and sis-in-law's pooch named Maui. Such a pampered cutie-pie!! See her little pink crown on her head?

Sat night, a co-birthday dinner at home w/Jason and our mom. A cake for each of them.

My dad had gotten a BIG card for my mom and TYPED a bunch of sweet things for my mom. My my my how sweet he's become. Its rare he smiles like this. I had to get a shot! He's so proud.

My mom reading her card!! He wrote it on 8-22-09. Her actual b-day is not even until 9-7-09. Good early planning Dad. Impressive............ I really wish I had known we were going to do early birthday for my mom too I would have come prepared!!

Blowing out the candles. It was dark, the c905 did a pretty good job huh?

Family group shot. We're missing Abe, Jenny, Nick & Abby... :( you are missed! I took this shot.

My brother Scott took this one.

1 comment:

Jenny Lo said...

the cakes look so good. Other than that, great to see picture of the family! everyone looks good. susan- you look ammmmmmaaaazing! go phillies!