Friday, August 28, 2009

me & Mommy together

Our conversation on our last drop-off to Kiddie Academy this morning. I honestly don't give her enough credit sometimes.

Abby: where is Daddy?
Me: At work
A: On the plane, way up there?
Me: No not today. Mommy is going on a plane today.
A: Me too?
Me: No I'm so sorry.
A: I want to go on the plane too.
Me: Not this time, next time we all go together OK?
A: me and Mommy, together. And Daddy too.
Me: I'll be gone really quick, just Friday, then back Sunday. So I will only be gone on Saturday then back on Sunday.
A: no me and Mommy, together.
Me: I'm going to see Halmuhnee, Halahbuhjee, Aunt Jeanie & Uncle Jason, Aunt Jayne & Uncle Scott. Next time we can all go together.
A: I want to see them too.

the conversation was going nowhere I had to change the topic. Poor kid. She sounded like she was going to cry. She's never even been on a plane.


Jenny Lo said...

oh my goodness. that's such a tearful conversation! get her on a plane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny Lo said...

with nick's approval, of course.