Saturday, May 30, 2009

When Elmo Grows Up!

We spent a fun-filled Gregory Saturday together. We took Abby to see Sesame Street Live - When Elmo Grows Up! this afternoon. She loved it! We had great seats, 1st row in the side section at the end. Pictures courtesy of Nick :)

The whole gang

Her eyes were glued to the stage!

Daddy & Daughter fun during the intermission. The resemblance is uncanny.

The characters came by (mostly to the floor seats) but this time Count came by and said "hi" to Abby. There was another character (girl w/a bookbag??) but I don't know who she is. Zoe came too but she left too fast for a photo op.

Grand Finale - The Pageant song

We went to Downtown Live afterwards and Abby saw Stormy there. She is surprisingly very good w/dress up characters.

Playing in the inflatable jumparoo thing

We had a very tasty dinner out at The Flying Biscuit in Cameron Village. I am glad it is not too close to home or work, otherwise I'd be making stops there much more often. Even Abby ate her french toast. I thought she didn't like french toast, maybe its just mine... I won't be too offended, theirs was extremely good! I love places that serve breakfast all day long.


Jenny Lo said...

yummm french toast... Actually my fave pix is Nick & Abby...she does have his smile!

Mirin's mom said...

wow.. Abby did so well with the characters. Mirin cried like crazy seeing the cow from Chic fila walked toward her.

Danielle DeNardo said...

i love the pic of nick and abby- she does have his smile!!! She looks so much like you sue and with his smile, too cute!

Wall Family said...

David and I went to Flying Biscuit once and love it.