Saturday, May 23, 2009

Strawberry Picking

Abby & I were invited to spend the morning at Vollmer's Farm in Bunn, NC. We went with the Wall's, Cruz's and Jong families. Abby's strawberry picking was very short lived. She said she had to "go poopy" so we walked back to the Farm Market - where coincidentally there are a bunch of kids toy & activities set-up. She didn't end up pooping after all, then didn't want to go back to picking either. At least I had picked a bucket, Abby picked a couple. It ended up raining for a short time so her timing was good in that sense. We stayed dry and our friends came back wet! One friend actually went back to picking after it cleared up (she doesn't mess around!)

So we stayed around and played... as you can see most of the pictures are of playing & not picking! Abby has talked about the having been to the strawberry farm everytime we talk about any kind of farm this week, so I guess she had a good time with or without the berries.

the horse swing made out of a recycled tire; riding the john deere trike

flying the great pumpkin airplane with buddy Jayden
& just for laughs :)


Jenny Lo said...

i like the last picture. bet the strawberries were good!

piacruz said...

So cute!