Saturday, May 2, 2009

Water Mountains

Abby & I went to North Hills tonight. She loved the water fountains (or as she called it water mountains, then later pountains) :) It was a love/scare thing with her. She was so intrigued by the water and walked along the seating area but it scared her at the same time. She threw in all of my pennies. Walked around the fountain 3 more x's. Went to Learning Xpress Toys. She surprisingly put her toys away after playing and we left the store empty-handed (after I told her we could see the fountains again). I love it when I'm one-step ahead of her.

We saw a little girl in a jewelry store with a paci. I asked Abby is she had a paci and she "yes". To which I countered yes a Paci Monkey, you're a big girl now, she's 2 years old and doesn't need a paci anymore. She said "my big girl, Abby's 2, no paci"... my little girl is growing up.

Abby scared:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They grow up too fast, don't they?!?