Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pictures from Sydney's Party

Sydney the birthday girl all ready for her pony ride

Syd & Hannah doubled-up on Toby the pony

Abby getting her little helmet on for her ride

Abby & Nick on her 2nd turn on Sandy

playing around in the barn, they had toys & games set up for the kids.

Meeting a cat I think for the 1st time. She wasn't too excited when I told her the cat was bathing herself. Maybe she's a dog person.

thought this was a cool rustic barn located behind the big barn. I later found out the port-a-jon was in front of it. btw it was sincerely the homiest port a pottie ever, w/a horse mat inside, wipes and horse stickers for decorations.

Cowboy Thompson, he plays the role so well

Riding the Bull

Playing the cowboy dress-up game, it was hilarious. Abby was racing back and had her tongue all hanging out, I wish I could have gotten it on video or photo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sue - Thanks so much for being the picture taker of the bunch. Loved your re-play of Syd's party. Glad Abby had a great time.