Friday, February 20, 2009

Teacher Work Day

Abby's daycare had a teacher workday so Abby & I had a Mommy/Daughter day today.

This is how the day started. After breakfast we made pudding. Abby made it (almost) all by herself. She's so proud!! We tasted just a little from the spatula (it was only 8:30am) while putting it away for later.

We should have taken pictures of her eating it after dinner, she was so GROSS but so HAPPY. What a sight! There is a reason why we don't normally have chocolate pudding.


Jenny Lo said...

she's not even 2 and she's already cooking. what a girl!

Wall Family said...

She is such a big girl now. I was surprise daycare center has Teacher Work Day!

Abe Lo said...

Our niece is so cute...