Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lazy Mom

Sorry for the no posts, where does time go? We have taken some pictures and (gasp!) some cell phone video of Abby that I have neglected on posting.

Abby is doing really well and is learning new words everyday. Her latest is "here you go" now if only I could get her to talk on camera?

I went to Brazil for a short business trip last week. It was a whirlwind trip, very good overall but tiring. It did a number on my new fangled diet I HAVE NO WILL POWER! I just couldn't get back to my diet after I got back. I literally gained back most of what I have lost in the last 4 wks of working out and dieting. So basically I wasted 2 whole weeks. *sigh*... very yummy food though and as always a fun time at our annual Super Bowl party.

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