Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving & the day after

For Thanksgiving we went to Nick's parents house in Greensboro. Thanks again for having us! We spent the night & the next day we went to the Natural Science Center of Greensboro, we also went to feed the ducks at the lake. We all had a really fun day!

Some of the hungry ducks
Abby feeding the ducks. Luckily they were doing some construction on the lake so they had the black barrier up. Abby had to get used to her feathered friends being so up close & personal.

I love posing for these things. Abby must've inherited this corniness from me :)

There were surprisingly a TON of animals at the Animal Discovery from peacocks, sheep, burros, alpacas, meerkats, wallabies, gibbons, monkeys, lorikeets, iguanas, vampire bats, python, tarantulas, an anteater, maned wolves (be forewarned their pee smells like skunk) & tigers!

Abby & Daddy at the meerkat tunnel

Making music in Kid's Alley

1 comment:

Mirin's mom said...

OMG the grasshopper picture of you is too funny. Is the museum as good as Durham museum?