Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve & Morning

Abby & I made a gingerbread train together. Mostly she ate and poked at the icing. Abby on her trike from Santa on Christmas morning. We had to pry her off of it to open her gifts & stocking.

In case anyone is wondering, the shot of the stockings were taken before Nick's stocking was filled... you can also see how l-o-n-g Abby's stocking is. Hers is cut off of the stocking photo and you can see it dangling behind Abby on her trike ;)

Honorable mention to Sparky who I am thankful to report made it through Christmas without having an accident in the house (that is a very good accomplishment for him lately).

& a shot of our artificial tree we got this year. If you look closely there are very few ornaments hung on the bottom 1 ft of the tree because of our dear Abby & Sparky... but mostly Abby.

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