Sunday, December 7, 2008

Santa filled weekend

We had a busy weekend! Sat morning Abby & I went to a cookie decorating & craft party with Santa. Santa asked Abby what she wanted for Christmas to which she replied "hi"... you can also see Abby enjoying her FIRST CANDY CANE! She loved it. As soon as she put it down I made it disappear.
Sat was also my birthday! Abby & Nick got me lots of great presents. It would make for a better blog if I had taken pictures of the wrapped gifts or the yummy cake (before it was cut) but since I'm just now thinking of doing that 1 day later, needless to say, I'm too late. Special thanks to Nick's parents, they came to babysit Abby so Nick & I could go for dinner & a hockey game. They also made me the yummy cake!
Here is Abby trying on the pretty scarf my sister Jenny & her husband Abe sent me from the UK (click to see their blog). They sent me such a thoughtful package, thank you again!! The chocolate was yummy too (it's all gone now).
On Sat afternoon we went to the Stonehenge Shopping Center's Christmas event. We rode a trackless train, got a reindeer balloon from the First Noel the Elf & visited with Santa.


Mirin's mom said...

OMG.. she did so well with Santa. Mirin didn't even come close to him.

Anonymous said...

what a pretty scarf :) She looks cuter and cuter every day.

Anonymous said...

WOW - way to go Abby. I can only hope Carter will do so well.