Sunday, December 28, 2008

Gregory's Christmas

We spent Christmas with Nick's family in Greensboro. I really should have taken a picture of the tree before or even after the gifts were open... there was a TON!! Little Abby even got a wii from Mom-mom (Grandmom) & Pop-pop (Grandpa).

The big picture below includes Uncle Joe & Aunt Beth. The pic on the left is Abby banging away on the piano with her pink baseball hat from the Masters Tournament. Mom & Dad won tickets this year!

We really had a wonderful Christmas. Thanks Mom & Dad!

Mouseketeer Abigail

Thanks Auntie Jayne & Uncle Scott. They picked up this super cute Minnie Mouse hat with Abigail stitched on the back from their trip to Disney World...

This was just one of Abby's many generous gifts she received for Christmas.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

All triked out

I took Abby out on her trike for the 1st time. She did great!! I was also testing out my new camera lens that I *LOVE* :) (thanks Nick!!)

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve & Morning

Abby & I made a gingerbread train together. Mostly she ate and poked at the icing. Abby on her trike from Santa on Christmas morning. We had to pry her off of it to open her gifts & stocking.

In case anyone is wondering, the shot of the stockings were taken before Nick's stocking was filled... you can also see how l-o-n-g Abby's stocking is. Hers is cut off of the stocking photo and you can see it dangling behind Abby on her trike ;)

Honorable mention to Sparky who I am thankful to report made it through Christmas without having an accident in the house (that is a very good accomplishment for him lately).

& a shot of our artificial tree we got this year. If you look closely there are very few ornaments hung on the bottom 1 ft of the tree because of our dear Abby & Sparky... but mostly Abby.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Holiday Express

Nick & I took Abby to the Holiday Express at Pullen Park. It would have been prettier to see all the lights if we stayed till past dark, maybe next year when Abby's bedtime can be stretched a bit. We still had fun though.

* Abby got to ride on the famous carousel for her 1st time. Its a super old indoor carousel w/an old fashioned music player to boot. We didn't realize the giraffe we picked did not move up and down but for her 1st time on it, this may have been a good thing.
* Next we tried the Pullen Park Train & saw all the lights through the park. I noticed the lady & her daughter sitting in front of us. The lady was carrying a red & white walking stick. As we got out of the train the little girl had to help her mom up and show her which way the exit was. There were quite a few disabled people at the event. It made me thank God in light of all the hardships and economic turmoil to thank Him for our health. We have a lot to be thankful for this year even if it doesn't seem like it at times...
* Next was a stop to see Santa & Mrs. Claus. If you've been following Abby's Christmas events, you'll notice this was her 4th Santa this year (she's got a long Santa list) j/k! Amazingly enough she's done well with each one.

Next year maybe we'll stop by the craft stands, get magical reindeer feed (oatmeal & sprinkles), get our faces painted or play on the playground. I've been meaning to take her to Pullen Park all year I'm glad we finally made it. It would be a fun place to go even without a Christmas event.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Pictures 2008

Our friend Riot took our Christmas pictures for us this year. Click here to see her post. She was raising money for Victory Junction (what a great cause!)

(from their website)
Victory Junction Gang enriches the lives of children with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses by providing life-changing camping experiences that are exciting, fun, and empowering, in a safe and medically-sound environment.

What a difference a year makes

Abby went to the mall with her Grandmom & Grandpa. They treated her to her 1st Build-a-Bear (actually 2, both Holly & Hal) and a trip to see Santa. Same Santa Claus, same Abby my she has grown!!

2008 -
2007 -

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Just for fun, review of Family Reunion

This should really be posted in July 2008 but since its been so long I thought it may get lost in the shuffle. Maybe I'm just homesick... maybe the holidays... but it would be really nice to see my family. So in the interest of practicing my (lack of) photoshop skills & perusing family pictures, here's the result!

Click here to see the original post

Going home from school (Take 2)

Back by popular demand :)
Here is take 2 from this earlier post (click here) since the previous picture was a bit blurry.
(Pictures taken from Sony Ericsson C902)

walking down the hall, then Abby see's Cole's dad. She stops & says "Cole Cole!!", walks down the hall & stops to see the tree...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Santa filled weekend

We had a busy weekend! Sat morning Abby & I went to a cookie decorating & craft party with Santa. Santa asked Abby what she wanted for Christmas to which she replied "hi"... you can also see Abby enjoying her FIRST CANDY CANE! She loved it. As soon as she put it down I made it disappear.
Sat was also my birthday! Abby & Nick got me lots of great presents. It would make for a better blog if I had taken pictures of the wrapped gifts or the yummy cake (before it was cut) but since I'm just now thinking of doing that 1 day later, needless to say, I'm too late. Special thanks to Nick's parents, they came to babysit Abby so Nick & I could go for dinner & a hockey game. They also made me the yummy cake!
Here is Abby trying on the pretty scarf my sister Jenny & her husband Abe sent me from the UK (click to see their blog). They sent me such a thoughtful package, thank you again!! The chocolate was yummy too (it's all gone now).
On Sat afternoon we went to the Stonehenge Shopping Center's Christmas event. We rode a trackless train, got a reindeer balloon from the First Noel the Elf & visited with Santa.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Going home from school

This is Abby ready to go home from school. On a typical day she insists on carrying her bag herself (see it on her shoulder?)
The bag is actually too big for her to carry. Usually there is not much in it so its light enough for her. She drags it down the hall. What a big girl! This picture is a bit blurry I was trying to hurry & keep up.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving & the day after

For Thanksgiving we went to Nick's parents house in Greensboro. Thanks again for having us! We spent the night & the next day we went to the Natural Science Center of Greensboro, we also went to feed the ducks at the lake. We all had a really fun day!

Some of the hungry ducks
Abby feeding the ducks. Luckily they were doing some construction on the lake so they had the black barrier up. Abby had to get used to her feathered friends being so up close & personal.

I love posing for these things. Abby must've inherited this corniness from me :)

There were surprisingly a TON of animals at the Animal Discovery from peacocks, sheep, burros, alpacas, meerkats, wallabies, gibbons, monkeys, lorikeets, iguanas, vampire bats, python, tarantulas, an anteater, maned wolves (be forewarned their pee smells like skunk) & tigers!

Abby & Daddy at the meerkat tunnel

Making music in Kid's Alley