Sunday, July 20, 2008

Family Reunion in Williamsburg

We had a bit of a family reunion this past weekend all 11 of us met in Williamsburg, VA. Since my parents have been in Korea they hadn't seen Abby since she was a Flower Girl @ my sister's wedding in Sept 07. Also my sister Jenny & her husband Abe are moving to the UK in a few weeks. It was so nice we could spend a little with them before they left. It was really nice to hang out with all the Yuh's :) its rare we all get to hang out together.

With Halahbuhjee (Grandpa), she's curling her hair :) actually Halmuhnee (Grandmom) was curling her's and Abby wanted one!

Abby trying to get some shade with Uncle Jason's Phillies hat.

With Grandparents and Uncle Abe

Aunt Jayne & Uncle Scott

To see the rest of the pictures:

1 comment:

Wall Family said...

Since Abby has hair, she now want to curl it, huh?...:D Look like Williamsburg is a nice place to visit.