Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ganyard Hill Farm

Today we met with our friends Darin and her daughter Mirin, Pia and her son Jayden and her in-laws from NY. The kids had a really fun time. I think I speak for everyone when I say it was fun but it would have been so much nicer if it was 10 degrees cooler! 80 degrees in Oct is way too hot especially to play dress-up (keep reading)...
We picked the farm since its in Durham, NC and pretty close for all us. There's a TON of pictures so I made them all small. Just click to enlarge :)
Darin & Mirin

The farm had goats, pigs, roosters and sheep to feed. This was my favorite kid (that is what they call baby goats right?)
Pia & Jayden on the hayride. Abby trying to pick her pumpkin.

Dressed up for Halloween. We had to make it quick w/the Halloween costumes. All the kids had FAT SUITS on with the big belly stuffing on their costumes.

& cotton picking before we hit the dirt road back home


Mirin's mom said...

We had a lot of fun especailly the kids. Abby was so adventurous. She walked and walked everywhere even to the corn field. Thanks for coming out.

Anonymous said...

very cool.

Wall Family said...

I thought it would be easier this year to take pictures of all 3 of them. Beside that look like they had a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Man, looks like you gals had a great time. I hate that Carter and I missed it.

Jenny Lo said...

: ) The moms seem to be having a are still confused of what is going on! maybe in a few years when the moms don't want to be play, the kids will want to get dressed for a photoshoot!