Saturday, March 13, 2010

Abby's 3rd birthday party

Saturday we had Abby's 3rd birthday party at Monkey Joe's. Abby & her friends had a blast!

down the big slide with Daddy...

saying cheese with Granny!

& Pop pop

Abby & her pal... I just loved her smile! Could she be any happier?

very good friend Sydney came all the way from Greensboro


buddy Matthew

Monkey Joe making his round through Abby's party...

watching that crazy Monkey!

Hey~ where'd that Monkey go?! I think he's behind the chair...

no party is complete without cake... yummy Dora the Explorer cake (homemade by Granny & Pop Pop!!)

& she blew out her candles in 1 try :)


Anonymous said...

It looks like she had a BLAST! The cake is awesome. Happy Birthday Abby!

Jenny Lo said...

well she is a strong girl! was nick the one taking the pictures?

Jenny Lo said...

wish i was there...maybe next year!!!