Friday, January 1, 2010

Philly Style Christmas, 2009

Abby going through her stocking... bound & determined!

My Mom, myself & my sister Jenny (taken my Jenny)

Abby, Jenny & her husband Abe

my younger brother Jason, his wife Jeanie & Abby

Jude Yuh (Jason & Jeanie's baby) and I

Jeanie & Abby reading

Abby opening up her Santa gifts; Abby eating clementines. She ate so many, that is why I took this pic.

Abby holding hands with her young cousins baby Isaac.
Abby holding Jude. He is not too happy. He is reaching for his dad!!!!

Great for laughs, but poor poor kid!!

Auntie Jayne & Abby

Abby, me, Jason, Scott & my mom

same as above + Jayne, Maui, Isaac, Jude

1 comment:

Mirin's mom said...

Being with family is always happy and full (of food).