Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas 2009 back in NC

After the Christmas in Philly, we made our way to Greensboro to have Christmas with Nick's family. These pictures are mostly of Abby's presents (as well it should be)... don't worry Nick got gifts too. His big ones were all too big to be wrapped, they were waiting for him in the basement...

Abby & the annual Gregory cookies. Thank God no one took pictures of me double-fisting my mouth full of cookies. I'm glad this is an annual tradition that doesn't change.

Noshing on the whole pint of blueberries. Its fruit, I can't complain. Abby ate her dinner in record amounts, even after all this fruit. I was in such shock and awe (she even ate her veggies people!!) I told her for dessert she could have all the cookies she wanted!!

Dad opened his little gift from us, its a nano

Mom showing Abby the pop-up The Very Hungry Caterpillar Book & Hula Girl doll sent from Maui, HI (Thank you Marcia & Harlan!)

"Want some M&M's!?!?"...

I'm very surprised!!

& here's my surprise! my favorite suit maker... in the perfect size, cut & color!!

& a little silliness... after all we were having Christmas on NEW YEAR'S!!!!!
Happy New Years!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow- two christmas'es? that plate of cookies look really good! abby is having the time of her life. glad you got a new suit!