Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Parade

Abby picking her pumpkin at her preschool's pumpkin patch :)

Our friends Brad, Hayes (the pumpkin) & Gentry. Their older daughter Hannah was already back inside.

Porter the Incredible

Ms Clara as the fairy, cute! The TMNT was pretty cool too.

Ms Nicole (the lead teacher in Abby's class). Logan the Pirate, Abby as Nemo and Matthew the baseball player making a round in their Halloween parade.

Jin the Power Ranger

Jin's & his mom Kristy

& the party

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hill Ridge Farm 2009

Nick, Abby & I spent the afternoon at Hill Ridge Farm in Youngsville, NC. I think Abby was just upset because she wanted to do everything in sight... and wouldn't dare say she was too tired!

Hay Maze

Corn Playhouse, a kids' favorite! If there wasn't a line she would have stayed in there for hours. In fact she was the last one out from her group.

Just landed from the Giant Mountain Slide.

Family Time at the Hay Ride. We took a ride to the pumpkin field to pick out pumpkins. We tried to leave after that but Abby wasn't through!

So we went back for Pony rides...

She got to ride the pretty white one, just like she wanted

Picking out the perfect pumpkin...

Meet the babies!

Nephew #1)
Jude Jason Yuh
Born: 09/24/2009
My younger brother Jason & Jeanie's baby boy. I can't believe he's a month old already!

Nephew #2)
Isaac Yun Lok Lo
Born: 10/25/2009
My sister Jenny & Abe's baby boy. He was late but showed up "on-time" to my wedding anniversary. I guess I can't ever forget his birthday :)

We are all so excited to our new family additions!
We (hopefully) get to meet both new babies during Christmas. I'm so looking forward to it, I may have to start a countdown!!!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Say Cheese! No say CUP CAKE!

Nick picked up a pair of monster Halloween cup cakes for Abby as a surprise tonight. Yesterday she was yammering on & on about CUP CAKES. We had pictures taken by Amanda and instead of saying cheese, she kept saying "no say cup cake!"

How fitting that after feeding Abby with the 5 pds of sugar Nick was off to play cards tonight. She was super happy obviously. & I devised a plan to play a little soccer outside to burn off the sugar. Fun night had by all!

ready to devour!!

before Abby-the-cupcake-monster attacks...

& after!! notice none of the cake is touched =)

& one for the road...

playing dress-up

Abby playing dress-up with her Korean hanbok's. She insisted on getting on every piece of the ensemble.

care fest

Abby & I went to Care Fest held by NetSports & Kids R Kids in Morrisville. It was a benefit to raise money for a boy’s (with leukemia) Make a Wish. His wish is to go to the Super Bowl. Abby wanted her face painted, then changed her mind. I thought I could coax her by getting mine (no luck). She got a temp tattoo on her hand. She got a smoothie & pizza. Played soccer and jumped in the bounce house. She also met Wool E. Bull (Durham Bulls) & Stormy (NHL Hurricanes) mascot.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

bug bites all over her face!

Bites on both eyes, forehead & cheeks! Poor kid, I wish she didn’t inherit her sweet blood from me… sad.

Monday, October 5, 2009

repost from FB

I'm re-posting this since my mom is not on fb. I'm just glad she can get online. She checks this daily so gotta put something for her ;)

내가 엄마를 사랑 해요! (I love you mom)