Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Goodbye for now

Our goodbye's... the ones pictured that I would like to remember. Not the memories at the Vet.

Abby's Farewell

Pictures from the "Good Ol' Days" long gone...

this is one of the fond memories we have. It is where he had pizza crust for the last time. His poor little GI system couldn't handle it as he aged, but, of course he still wanted it! I had to take a picture of how happy he was with that bit of pizza crust. The actual shot of him gnawing at it is too blurry to post ;)~

One of the 1st shots of him. This is my parents house he 1st came to when I adopted him in that wintery day on Jan 3, 1999. This is how I'd like to remember him.


Jenny Lo said...

cutie sparky! that's the smile we remember him by. Thanks for sharing.

Jenny Lo said...

also....even though sparky may not been the most athletic...when i did run w/him, he was quite the runner. I was out of breath just trying to hold onto his leash. I think that's one of my favourite memories of him. Sparky the runner!

Wall Family said...

You had good long years with her. That was a gift!