Saturday, April 18, 2009

Catching up

I'm finally catching up, its literally been 2 wks since my last post so here I go back-dating stuff.
This is actually pictures from the weekend so not too bad.

Thanks again Auntie Jenny & Uncle Abe. Abby loves her wagon and her little Miss Sunshine shirt! I asked her who was coming over the other day and she said "Jenny and Abe" repeatedly so we had to call them. She obviously doesn't understand they are in the UK.

Hanging out in the screened-in porch

Self-portrait :)

Abby loves her new crocs but also loves to take them off even more.

Horrible picture but just wanted to show how much she really likes to pull the wagon "all by myself"!


Abe Lo said...

Jenny's very excited that she likes the wagon!

Abe Lo said...

She can give her future cousins a ride!

Jenny Lo said...

Abby is turning into a really pretty girl. I see eye lashes!!!!! Every girl's eye envy.
Glad the wagon is being used well. When she's older you can show her that she has wedding history in that wagon. I think Sparky should be in the wagon next time! haha