Saturday, March 28, 2009

Abby's Elmo Birthday Party

We had Abby's 2nd Birthday Party today. Thanks to all our friends & family! & to those that were not able to share the day with us, we missed you!!
Pictured below:
*Abby in her new party dress - complements of Mom-Mom (Grandmom Gregory).
*Centerpiece - ABBY cookies with Elmo
*Amy reading to Abby and Thompson
*Hannah & Sydney playing outside

Pictured below:
*super awesome Elmo cake - complements of Pop-Pop and Mom-Mom
*Nick & Abby eyeing her balloon bouquet!
Pictured below:
*Baby Emma & her mom Pia, in matching white outfits, so cute!
*Abby hugging her big Elmo balloon (he's taller than her)
*Abby blowing out her "2" candle and opening presents
*Abby eating her letter "A" cookie-on-a-stick (they were the party favors). Don't mess with this girl and her cookies...


Jenny Lo said...

wow that cake looks intense. hope you are all recovered from the party!!!

Mirin's mom said...

Happy Birth Day Abby. The outfit is really nice. Too bad Mirin and I missed it. I liked the Elmo theme.

piacruz said...

Love the party, so much attention to detail! Jayden loves the party favors. Thanks again for having us:))
Happy 2nd Birthday Abby.

The Ishikawa Family said...

Happy birthday, Abby!!

Danielle DeNardo said...

adorable pics! Looks like the birthday girl had a really fun time! kisses to abby!!! XOXO

Jenny Lo said...

request for more pictures please!