Friday, November 28, 2008

Baking Cookies with Grandmom

Abby got to bake her first Christmas cookies with Grandmom. Grandmom was prepared too! She bought special cookie trays for Abby to press into, Abby's favorite is the the star shaped one. Grandmom and Grandpa had cookie dough all made up and ready. Look closely, Abby's wearing an apron too. She tasted a little bit of the cookie dough while she worked.

Abby tasting her yummy cookies!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bucket Hat

Not a good day at school today. Abby got bit, poor girl. Then playing outside, she fell on her nose.

On a better note, check out little Miss Diva in the bucket hat :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A cold visit to Shelly Lake

I took Abby to feed the ducks at the park. It was 47 degrees at home, but near the lake it seemed much colder. Abby still had lots of fun feeding the ducks. 1st we fed the ducks by the fishing dock so she could see the ducks up close. The last time we fed them on the dock, the geese were still around and jumped up on the dock to get more food! We went to the bridge next, Abby ran up and down the bridge and made the ducks swim back and forth for their treats.

Dropping some crackers off the bridge:

Pushing the stroller by herself

Friday, November 21, 2008


Woke up & there was SNOW! None on the street. Only a bit on the roof & grass. I'm not really sure how much more snow we'll see in Raleigh this year. So just in case, I took a picture to remember.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Poor Abby

A not-so-nice friend in Abby's class scratched Abby in the face today. Clawed maybe a better word. She has multiple scratches on both cheeks and near her left eye. I'm not really sure what happened since a teacher did not witness it. They weren't fighting or trying to get each other's toys. Of course they won't let you see the tape since the confidentiality of the culprit. I really don't care who the darn kid is as long as the parents clip his nails tonight.

Its a bit hard to see the scratch near her eye. This was taken the night of. I think it looks even more red the day after.

As for Abby she seems unaffected by it and in good spirits tonight. I gave her ice cream after dinner mostly because I felt so bad for her. Here she is licking every bit of her treat!

I felt a bit callused at the time, ever since going back to work I never really cried having to leave her in daycare. But after a day like today, I feel terrible she had such a bad day. When I got the voicemail from daycare I did just want to cry and go get my little girl. I don't know if it hurts as much for her but seeing the scratches everytime I look at her face is so much worse than the bites on the hands/arms.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bath time cry baby

Judging by these pictures you would never know that Abby is a hysterical cry baby during bath time. She's great before and after, just during is the hard part. After the washing part is over, she's usually in jovial spirits, plays around for a bit and on most nights refuses to get OUT of the tub.

Anyone have any suggestions or tips for her to like bathing again... please?

Well tonight she was so extremely happy and smiley after the washing part I ran & got the camera.

I mean so wonderfully happy!! Is this the same girl crying bloody murder 1 min ago?

Being goofy

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hockey Girl

Abby was sick most of the weekend. She threw up all Friday night. Luckily she was feeling much better for the hockey game on Sunday. We didn't take any pictures at the game but don't worry, we have a game every Sunday in Nov (whew~!) so we'll get out chance yet...

Abby sitting on her fun chair in her room (I forget what the chair is called), it sings and lights up

Looking a little puzzled?
Sparky making his cameo appearance

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bribing the dog

I left Abby alone in the kitchen with the dog. She was rummaging in the kitchen pantry. Usually when we come home she finds something on eye-level where I keep her goodies and she pulls out something she wants with her dinner. Well, she pulled out Sparky's milkbones and decided to "feed him" :) His bowl was empty, which, doesn't always happen, he is moody about when he eats. Abby decided to give him a bowl full of treats, what a way to win his heart & tummy!

I started to put away the treats then realized this was comical enough to share.

After the bowl of treats Abby wanted the apple in the fruit basket. I didn't think she'd really start chomping away at it... she did great for a couple of bites!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cruising Pictures

Nick & I went on a cruise to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Here are some pictures we took along the way.

Light house @ Key West; Nick in front of the ship

I'm such a dweeb I love taking pictures in front of these types of things. I know it screams "TOURIST!!" but I still love it...

Nice sunrise. I slept in every morning. Photo coutesy: Nick.
Port @ Cozumel
Mayan ruins at Altun Ha just outside of Belize City.