Sunday, September 28, 2008

Museum of Life & Science

We took Abby to the Museum of Life & Science on Sat. We all had a fun time. Definitely a great place to spend the afternoon. Abby insisted she walk most of it or be carried. It was too bad the train was sold out but maybe next time. She hung out in the soundspace: hear motion. She didn't quite grasp the concept of the room but did not want to leave it either (its a big room where you move around the room and the cameras in the ceiling will interpret the noises with sounds).

Banging the outdoor drums & playing @ Loblolly Park. Love the expression on her face.
(Click on image to enlarge)

The critters:
-When Abby got to see the bears she let out a bear "roar", very fitting.
-We got to see a wolf & lemurs too but no good shots. I didn't take any shots of the nasty cockroaches or spiders.

Here are some of the critters we got to see:
-duck, poisonous frogs, cow, goat, turkey & (i think?) an owl butterfly.

Doesn't it look like Abby & the turkey are looking at each other? Maybe because they were eye level.


Mirin's mom said...

When I enlarged the picture, it lookes really good. You had her focus and a little blur in the background. Good pic with a good expression on her face too.

Wall Family said...

These are very nice pictures. Abby surely had fun. BTW, nice picture of the month! Hmmm, I am wonder where I saw background paper before..:D

Jenny Lo said...

nice photo collage! still love the picture w/sunglasses (and the drool!)haha