Sunday, June 8, 2008

Time to smell the flowers

We went to church on Sunday. Which lately is not as frequent as I know we should. Lately one of us is sick (usually Abby) so taking a cranky, screaming baby is not ideal. I also do not want to take a sick baby to their nursery. We are very against parents that purposely do that (esp @ daycare!!)

Anyway... Abby wore a new dress she got from her birthday (thanks Auntie Jayne & Uncle Scott). She looked so pretty and it was such a nice day, I took Abby outside for a few pictures.
This one is such a classic Abby these days.


Mirin's mom said...

I like her picture with her tongue sticking out. Did she taste the flower? I really like your picture of the month too. Both of them are so cute together.

Jay and Theresa Moon said...

abby is sooooooo cuuuuuuute!!