Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Beach Trip 2008 (part 2)

here's the house "Sugar Magnolia" we stayed at:

Playing around on the wrap around porch. Abby really liked to sit on those stairs.

FINALLY!!!! Whew~ I got a shot of her with the cherry sunglasses on her face. She's usually too busy playing with them. Pls excuse her nose and massive drool. Her molars that poked in are coming in fierce! She now has 12 teeth :) She managed to catch a cold @ the beach... poor girl. I took off the most offensive boogers in photoshop (as you can tell I'm not very good at it).


Anonymous said...

These are wonderful -- you really have mastered the art of photography. I hope to learn soon!

Wall Family said...

House at the beach looks really nice. Abby is so cute as always!

Mirin's mom said...

I really like her in the white dress. Her hair is getting long now especially in the front. Will need to arrange for a play date soon!!

ncmikie said...

what on earth did you do to make poor Abby cry like that? Did you stick her with a pin or what?