Monday, June 23, 2008

Beach Trip 2008 (part 1)

We just got back from our annual beach trip. This year we went to Topsail Island, NC and rented a new (to us) house. The house was so extremely nice and overlooked the ocean & playground.

On Father's Day Abby, Nick & I went for a stroll along the beach.

I love the birds in the background

The playground directly across the street was a big plus. Here's Abby on the dinosaur. Hands down her all-time favorite is the classic swing. But its pretty hard to take pictures of her in it... we met a 5 mo puppy Bulldog named Torro. We should have gotten a picture of them, they were both so happy to meet.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time! Abby is such a cute little girl.

Anonymous said...

good to hang out with you guys, where was Nick?

Anonymous said...

this is bogus man, first you go on vacation without me, then you post pictures to rub my muzzle in it...

Anonymous said...

Adorable beach pics - and luv the pigtail - I can relate (Chinese Canadian moms have the same mantra)!!


The Ishikawa Family said...

Hey, I love, love the black & white photos on the porch at the beach. Too beautiful! Looks like a fun time. Janice