Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My favorite 2008 shots


Mirin's mom said...

I do not know that you have a blog for Abby. I would have come check long time ago to see how she's doing. I love all the favorite pictures in the slide show. She looked really cute in everyone of them.

Ken said...

Abby is sooooooo adorable :)

Mirin's mom said...

The more I look at these pictures, the more I love love them. They are so great. They do bring a smile to my face. Abby is just the happiest baby on earth.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I came to this site through your xanga site. your daughter should be a model for gap baby. she's sooo cute!

Jay and Theresa Moon said...

you have such an adorable little girl!! i loooove all these pics!