Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finally some April pictures

This week I started working on Our Dear Abby blog. I went to create my 1st post & realized I had taken ZERO pictures all month. How sad since at minimum I have my camera phone with me 24/7.

So the very next day, I went to pickup Abby @ daycare, the kids were still playing outside. Its amazing how toddlers will literally flock to you at the site of a camera (camera phone mind you). So with my handy 5 meg K850 phone, I tried to redeem myself. There was no one else around before I pulled out the camera. & suddenly they start appearing!

Playing at the tree house - look no other kids right?

& then we have this little cutie-patootie show up. (I wish I knew her name). Too funny! There were 2 other little boys that came over. I showed Miss Cutie Patootie the picture & she hugged me.


Anonymous said...

you need to keep the boys many times do I have to tell you that?

Jenny Lo said...

first time seeing abby cry...who's the bully?!?!?

Jenny Lo said...

Not usual to see Abby crying...who's the bully?!?!?!

Susan said...

Nick I was busy trying to take the picture. Feel free to be the usual bodyguard, go get 'em!

Mirin's mom said...

Didn't she like riding in the blue dog thing? May be it didn't go fast enough for her?

Wall Family said...

Never see her cry before. Her hair is coming. Can not wait to see her with long hair!

Wall Family said...

Love banner cute!