Monday, April 21, 2008

bathtime fun

It's nearing the end of April & I just realized, we have not taken ANY pictures of Abby on our own this month! Good thing we took Abby for her 1-year pictures with our beloved photographer, Danielle Anthony.

I'm trying to teach myself the ins & outs of photoshop CS3. I struggled with the videos that came with the sw pkg. This is how far I've gotten with some bath time fun (pictures courtesy of dear hubby). I've since decided I need more help. I've gotten a trusty new book & video tutorial buddy Deke McClelland, unfortunately the lessons have taken me awhile & I haven't really practiced too much. Here is the before shots. We'll see how I progress!

this is me, trying to put together a collage. I was hoping to scrap it but I think I need to improve my photoshop skills before I print anything out.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Susan -- glad to see you've started a blog. I will for sure follow it along! We have got to get the kids together soon!

Susan said...

I was absolutely inspired by YOU!

Julie Boo said...

aw, these are too cute...great work on the photoshop, keep up the good work. i'm so excited about your blog so you can keep me posted on the adventures of darling abby!