Saturday, April 26, 2008

Abby smooches makes me SMILE

Playing around in Abby's room on a Sat AM. Kudos to Granny, the red & white polka-dotted outfit is another Chez Granny creation.

Not the greatest of all pictures only since I look like I literally rolled out of bed & what's going on w/that crazy hair?! But with all that said, this is THE money shot I've been wanting ever since Abby's been laying these big, fat, wet smooches on me. Thanks to my dear hubby for capturing one of my favorite moments ever.

She's coming in...

& here's that big, wet kiss I told you about!! Poor Sparky he hates the camera. His next arch nemesis is probably the vacuum. Not sure which is worse lately. Since we hardly vacuum ourselves lately, it's probably the dag-gone camera he hates. You can see him wanting to hide his nose in the bottom right corner. Poor pooch.


Anonymous said...

How sweet is she?!?! Months ago I taught Carter how to blow kisses, so we never get real ones. Every time I ask for a kiss he just blows one to me... I want a big wet one from my little peanut! Enjoy!

Mary Jane said...

What an antimated little girl. You are quite blessed.