Friday, March 23, 2007

Welcome Abby!

Happy Birthday Abigail!

Abby was born exactly on her due date. I went into labor @ the hockey game. We left around the 2nd period. Called the DR from home, finished watching the game (I wasn't really watching) just trying to figure out if I was in real labor.

After a long 16-hr labor, our dear Abby was born. My epidural wore off (3x's) that got really old after awhile. I dilated to about 9.5 cm (goal is 10). After about 12+ hrs I was at 9. We finally decided to do the c-section. Turns out Abby was "sunny side up" with her head pressing against my spinal cord - no wonder it was so painful! The worst part, I had to wait for the OR to open up for about an hour & the epidural was long gone.

Abigail Sarah
Born: 3/23/07, Time: 2:00 pm
Weight: 6 lbs 12 oz. Length: 21 inches

Her 1st bath & picture. They were afraid she would swallow merconium (sp?) so they whisked her away after they got her out. I never did see her with that white gunk.

Mommy & baby finally getting to meet...

Our very 1st family portrait

& those that helped us along the way. Here's the labor & delivery nurse Lauren. She was so sweet and just plain awesome.

The delivering doc, Dr. Stephens. Actually I was in labor so long we got Dr. Stephens on a shift change. We had another Dr during labor.

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