Tuesday, December 25, 2007


We had Christmas at our house on Christmas Eve. In what I've always seen on American TV & movies, we opened gifts in our PJ's. Here's Abby in hers.
Christmas Day. We went to Greensboro, NC to have Christmas with Granny, Grandpa, Great-Grandma, Great-Grandpa & Uncle Joe.
Granny, Grandpa & Abby
Abby sitting pretty next to Granny's well decked tree.

(noisey camera phone picture) I love Abby in this big fuzzy hat and her "My 1st Christmas" onesie (thanks Auntie Jenny!) She's of course, with all hats, just about to throw it off her head.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Christmas Pictures

These are some of our fav professional pictures. We used #1, #3 for our Christmas cards. I love her in that big ol' Santa hat.

If you love these pictures as much as we do, check out our photographer. We love Danielle! http://www.danielleanthony.com/

We met her through Mirin's Mom (thanks Darin!) http://dayswithmirin.blogspot.com/

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Go Canes!

At the Carolina Hurricanes hockey game. Nick ordered the "ear muffs" to protect Abby from the super loud noises. Too bad it blocks out ALL noise so Abby's not all that fond of it.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Meeting Santa Claus

In my stroller. Waiting in line to meet the famous Santa Claus!

I was very happy to finally meet him.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Our little Miss. Abby-love-bug was baptized today. The gorgeous handsmocked silk christening gown with pearl accents was lovingly made by Granny. Granny, Grandpa, Great-Grandmom & Great-Grandpa came all the way from Greensboro, NC to witness it.

Here she is with Pastor David Clift. We found out afterwards, no baby in his many many years as a pastor has cried when he's baptized them. I would have felt horrible if she spoiled his spotless record. But then again, he probably woudn't have told us then?

Pastor David presenting Abby to the congregation.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Flower Girl

The 3rd wedding in my family in 2007, Abby got to be the flower girl! She was about 5 mos. Here she is in her very dolled out Radio Flyer wagon. She wasn't sitting up well enough so she's sitting on a bumbo seat. Luckily the dress was so big it covered the seat.

Here's the ring bearer (also the Pastor's youngest son) who was the sweetest wagon pull boy. He pulled her wagon down the aisle & did the job beautifully. He was soooo CUTE & did I mention sweet?! He was wondering what to do if she cried when they were coming down the aisle. Luckily they both put on a great show.

Bride (Auntie Jenny), Groom (Uncle Abe), Mommy & Abby. The gorgeous bridal bouqet was done by my mom!

One of the last shots in 2007 with Halmuhnee (Grandmom) & Halahbuhjee (Grandpa) with their one & only grandchild. After the weddings they went back to Korea for awhile. They get to see Abby through Skype & pictures I mail them.

posing for pictures in the bridal suite.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Eagles & other fun stuff

Go Eagles! I loved this outfit... (thanks Auntie Jeanie & Uncle Jason!)

blinged out paci, it was ginormous but too cute to pass up.

Abby loves prunes! She would even grab the spoon because I wasn't fast enough in shoveling the yummy sweet fruit in her little mouth. Thank goodness for the super big bibs (thanks Hope!)

Abby in her Tigger-Jumparoo. 'Cuz Tiggers are bouncy things... uhm how does the rest of that song go??

Honorable mention only because her silly face makes me laugh. It only happened every once in awhile but I was glad when she got over this infant cross-eyed phase.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Beach Trip 2007

Pictures from our annual beach trip. We rented a house every year in Cherry Grove, SC.

Daddy & his little girl on the deck

Chillin' on the baby swing. I think Abby was worn out!

Miss chunk-a-munk posing before heading to the beach.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

PSU girl & other odds n' ends

Abby in her Yankee onesie / bib. She looks kinda boyish here, maybe its the lack of hair?!

PSU Girl with one of her former daycare teachers (Ms. Amy)

Lil miss still hadn't quite learned to turn over yet...

One of my all-time FAVORITE shots. Could her smile be any bigger?

Someone said she looked like "a little ninja" in this outfit. This was her one & only Carolina Hurricanes outfit. She was being a good sport - this was her 1st time in the exer-saucer.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Last Day on Maternity Leave

I took a bunch of picture this Friday. It was my last work day with Abby since my maternity leave (12-wks) was coming to a close.

Wow check out Miss Chunk-a-munk's cheeks!

Not the best picture but this is a rarity, Abby & Sparky in a picture together. Sparky is mortally afraid of the camera.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sparky welcomes the baby

Abby stayed in the bassinet in our bedroom for the 1st few weeks. That's Sparky on our bed, pearing into the bassinet, trying to figure out who the new baby was.

After that Sparky had no time for the little girl. He still doesn't.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

3 weeks young

Halmuhnee (Grandmom) & Halahbujee (Grandpa) came down from Philly to visit Abby. As in very Korean tradition, my mom made me miyuk guk (seaweed soup) all week long. Very strict tradition calls for the new mom to eat only this soup for weeks or months... its good but towards the end its not THAT good...

@ our front door

@ the red bud tree. Its nice the tree flowers so nice right around Abby's b-day every year.

3 generations, Halmuhnee, Abby & I. I think Abby was trying to look too ;)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Going home from the hospital

After 4 nights @ the hospital. We're going home!

Nick found this picture on his phone some months later. Maybe Abby wasn't too happy leaving the hospital after all?

Friday, March 23, 2007

Welcome Abby!

Happy Birthday Abigail!

Abby was born exactly on her due date. I went into labor @ the hockey game. We left around the 2nd period. Called the DR from home, finished watching the game (I wasn't really watching) just trying to figure out if I was in real labor.

After a long 16-hr labor, our dear Abby was born. My epidural wore off (3x's) that got really old after awhile. I dilated to about 9.5 cm (goal is 10). After about 12+ hrs I was at 9. We finally decided to do the c-section. Turns out Abby was "sunny side up" with her head pressing against my spinal cord - no wonder it was so painful! The worst part, I had to wait for the OR to open up for about an hour & the epidural was long gone.

Abigail Sarah
Born: 3/23/07, Time: 2:00 pm
Weight: 6 lbs 12 oz. Length: 21 inches

Her 1st bath & picture. They were afraid she would swallow merconium (sp?) so they whisked her away after they got her out. I never did see her with that white gunk.

Mommy & baby finally getting to meet...

Our very 1st family portrait

& those that helped us along the way. Here's the labor & delivery nurse Lauren. She was so sweet and just plain awesome.

The delivering doc, Dr. Stephens. Actually I was in labor so long we got Dr. Stephens on a shift change. We had another Dr during labor.