Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hey we're matching Girls


playing with Abby's new hair clips... Abby said "hey we're matching girls!!"

Funny faces!!

Snowed in

This is the 3rd time we were supposed to get snow this Winter and finally we got snow! Last 2x's, nothing. This time an actual 5-8". Here's pictures of our fun time sledding and playing around.

Nick taking Abby around in her new saucer sled... around the cul-de-sac

say "cheese", chic loves some photo opps

I get my turn to pull Abby around next, fun!

up & down the hill...

Abby wanted to try to pull me next... hahahahaaaaaaaa~~~

Friday, January 22, 2010

Red Dress, Shoes & Pretty Tights

Abby fished these sneakers, that are a bit too big out of her closet last night. She didn't want to wear the white tights I put out for her, she said they were not "pretty". So this morning she picked the black ones instead.

Special thank you to Granny & Pop-pop for the very cute red corduroy overalls and matching top! The huggable toy she is grasping is her Zoe, one of the many dear prizes Daddy brought back from his trips for his little girl.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Silly girl loves some sweet clementines oranges!

Sent from my Sony Ericsson XPERIA™ X2

Friday, January 15, 2010

Avatar in 3d

Date night for Nick's bday! Nick & I went to see Avatar in 3D. It was so well done, I can't wait to see it again. Here is my self portrait in these swank 3D glasses. Nick is too cool and avoiding the camera.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, go see it! You have to see it on the big screen to fully enjoy it.

Sent from my Sony Ericsson XPERIA™ X2

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Princess Dress Up

Abby got a Princess Dress Up set from our dear friends The White's. Here she is all dolled up. As a side note the Cowboys & Eagles played that night (2 wks back-to-back) and Eagles lost both times, how miserably S-A-D!!!!!

In our house we "...say CUPCAKE!!" :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kids' New Year Eve!

These "2010" glasses have been a hit! Even the girls working at Monkey Joe's wanted a few pairs. Good thing I had so many :) Our friends Riot, Aden, Anya & Samantha met us @ Monkey Joe's on New Year's Eve so the kids could run & jump off the last of their energy before the 2009 came to a close. This was the quietest time we have ever seen this place. The kids had the run of the place, not too bad...

(clockwise from the top) starting with the purple glasses Anya, Riot, Susan (me), Abby, Aden, Samantha, Girl (she wanted a pair of glasses, then wanted to jump in the pic too!)

Anya, Riot, Me, Abby, Aden, Samantha

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas 2009 back in NC

After the Christmas in Philly, we made our way to Greensboro to have Christmas with Nick's family. These pictures are mostly of Abby's presents (as well it should be)... don't worry Nick got gifts too. His big ones were all too big to be wrapped, they were waiting for him in the basement...

Abby & the annual Gregory cookies. Thank God no one took pictures of me double-fisting my mouth full of cookies. I'm glad this is an annual tradition that doesn't change.

Noshing on the whole pint of blueberries. Its fruit, I can't complain. Abby ate her dinner in record amounts, even after all this fruit. I was in such shock and awe (she even ate her veggies people!!) I told her for dessert she could have all the cookies she wanted!!

Dad opened his little gift from us, its a nano

Mom showing Abby the pop-up The Very Hungry Caterpillar Book & Hula Girl doll sent from Maui, HI (Thank you Marcia & Harlan!)

"Want some M&M's!?!?"...

I'm very surprised!!

& here's my surprise! my favorite suit maker... in the perfect size, cut & color!!

& a little silliness... after all we were having Christmas on NEW YEAR'S!!!!!
Happy New Years!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Philly Style Christmas, 2009

Abby going through her stocking... bound & determined!

My Mom, myself & my sister Jenny (taken my Jenny)

Abby, Jenny & her husband Abe

my younger brother Jason, his wife Jeanie & Abby

Jude Yuh (Jason & Jeanie's baby) and I

Jeanie & Abby reading

Abby opening up her Santa gifts; Abby eating clementines. She ate so many, that is why I took this pic.

Abby holding hands with her young cousins baby Isaac.
Abby holding Jude. He is not too happy. He is reaching for his dad!!!!

Great for laughs, but poor poor kid!!

Auntie Jayne & Abby

Abby, me, Jason, Scott & my mom

same as above + Jayne, Maui, Isaac, Jude