Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Tunnel Vision

if I recall correctly these pictures were taken a few months ago at daycare. I only remember because this was the day I was pretty upset. Abby got bit in the back going through the new tunnel toy. At least she was enjoying it before the little biter got to her...

there were multiple kids going through the tunnel at once (uhhm not sure why) and apparently Abby wasn't going fast enough, then CHOMP! got bit

on a brighter note, at least these pictures are nice

Monday, March 30, 2009

More birthday pictures

Playing with her new toy. She had just opened gifts from Uncle Abe & Aunt Jenny. They left her gifts before they moved to the UK in July '08. Plus they mailed her some sweet shirts (bottom left corner).

Abby opening her very pretty dresses from Uncle Scott & Auntie Jayne. (Care Bear from her friend Mirin, see her blog here.)

more pictures from her birthday party
-opening gifts
-having tea party
-guest appearance by Sparky :)
-& our very own police presence at the wild & crazy party. Or as Abby always likes to say "Mr. Jeff is nice". Its cute, we'll see a police car and Abby says "Mr. Jeff... is nice"

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Abby's Elmo Birthday Party

We had Abby's 2nd Birthday Party today. Thanks to all our friends & family! & to those that were not able to share the day with us, we missed you!!
Pictured below:
*Abby in her new party dress - complements of Mom-Mom (Grandmom Gregory).
*Centerpiece - ABBY cookies with Elmo
*Amy reading to Abby and Thompson
*Hannah & Sydney playing outside

Pictured below:
*super awesome Elmo cake - complements of Pop-Pop and Mom-Mom
*Nick & Abby eyeing her balloon bouquet!
Pictured below:
*Baby Emma & her mom Pia, in matching white outfits, so cute!
*Abby hugging her big Elmo balloon (he's taller than her)
*Abby blowing out her "2" candle and opening presents
*Abby eating her letter "A" cookie-on-a-stick (they were the party favors). Don't mess with this girl and her cookies...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday Abby!!!!!

March 23rd fell on a Monday this year. Nick & I had a typical day at work and Abby at daycare. Abby shared more cupcakes with her new 2's class. After dinner we had a (very) small cake to practice blowing out candles. Not to mention, Abby loves cake.

Abby had a rough day (she was constipated all day), that is why the bottom right picture she is grimacing. Her birthday finally got better after a long awaited trip to the potty. We had presents, dinner, cake and more presents!! Abby got packages from Ms. Jessica and Auntie Jenny & Uncle Abe that came in the mail on the 23rd.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

This girl loves to be BLUE

I took cupcakes to Abby's school to celebrate her 2nd birthday (March 23rd). She shared cupcakes with the Toddler class since she just moved up to the 2's this week. I am sooo very sorry for getting the cupcakes w/the funky colors. I was truly looking for the white icing (they didn't have any). Next time, I'll go to another store to get away from the crazy icing.

Abby is still pooping blue. TMI?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ducks are LOUD!

The weather this weekend was in the BEAUTIFUL 80's. Saturday Abby had fun with her grandparents. She went to Shelley Lake to feed the ducks and play in the playground. Since the weather was so nice on Sunday afternoon we went to Lake Lynn to feed the ducks and play in the playground.

She kept saying how the (geese) "are so loud!" and making this face. I told her they were saying "more bread PLEASE Abby". She then repeated "more bread please Abby" the rest of our trip.

Ready, Set, Slide!!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Elmo @ Bear Rock

Abby & I met up with my manager and her family @ Bear Rock Cafe in Morrisville for their weekly Kids Night. Nick and I arranged our schedule that night especially so I could take Abby. Elmo is by far one of her very favorites. She loved meeting him. She shook his hand, gave him a high 5 and gave him hugs when he left.

We are so set to go to Sesame Street Live (Elmo Grows Up!) in May :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow in March

I didn't believe it when the weather reports called for 3" of snow in Raleigh in March! Well it snowed about 2-3" and yet another snow day from daycare... Abby & I made a (sad) snowman. We obviously need more practice making these little guys. The 1st one I made the middle part was too heavy and broke the bottom, Abby was sad and said "snowman gone". She helped put the pinecone nose and pine bark eyes on him.