Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Let it SNOW

We woke up to 4-6" of snow today. I can't remember the last time it snowed enough to make snowballs and play in the snow. This was Abby's 1st time playing in the snow I was very excited for her.

Here she is mesmerized by all the snow outside her bedroom window...

Nick and I had things to do all morning so we couldn't go out to play while it was snowing. After Abby's nap we all went out. Abby wasn't too sure of this whole snow thing at 1st. After making her snowballs and letting her "throw" it she was having fun!
No matter how cold she got Abby didn't want to come inside. Finally I coaxed her in with the promise of her very 1st hot chocolate. She LOOOOOVED it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Promise not to tell

Abby & Brandon were up to no good. Doesn't it look they are are saying "I know we were not supposed to do that but promise not to tell okay?" =P

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Reindeer games & a rainy day

Abby wearing her blinking Rudolph's Red Nose :)

& a super cute rain coat thanks to Grandmom & Grandpa!
Abby & Sparky were standing next to each other if only I had gotten there 1 second earlier. As soon as he saw the camera he bolted, I barely got the rest of him in this shot. To think even though he's basically blind he can run from the darn thing.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

the lighting is really terrible, at least the audio is better :)

Happy New Year everyone!! :)