Monday, September 29, 2008

Cheerios & Pictures

Pictures @ home. Never underestimate the power of honey nut cheerios to make a girl smile :) Honorable mention to Sparky making an extra special appearance.

& goofing off and falling back! oops... I think picture time is over.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Museum of Life & Science

We took Abby to the Museum of Life & Science on Sat. We all had a fun time. Definitely a great place to spend the afternoon. Abby insisted she walk most of it or be carried. It was too bad the train was sold out but maybe next time. She hung out in the soundspace: hear motion. She didn't quite grasp the concept of the room but did not want to leave it either (its a big room where you move around the room and the cameras in the ceiling will interpret the noises with sounds).

Banging the outdoor drums & playing @ Loblolly Park. Love the expression on her face.
(Click on image to enlarge)

The critters:
-When Abby got to see the bears she let out a bear "roar", very fitting.
-We got to see a wolf & lemurs too but no good shots. I didn't take any shots of the nasty cockroaches or spiders.

Here are some of the critters we got to see:
-duck, poisonous frogs, cow, goat, turkey & (i think?) an owl butterfly.

Doesn't it look like Abby & the turkey are looking at each other? Maybe because they were eye level.

Friday, September 26, 2008

It's been awhile

I haven't had much to blog lately since I was trying to give the blog a facelift. Here's some pix to catch up.

Eating lunch @ school today...

Not really sure what Abby & her friend are doing here? I think Abby climbed up the slide backwards trying to slide down again.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Blog revamped

anyone like it, love it, hate it??

3rd x's a charmer, hopefully I'll keep this one around for longer than a day.

Monday, September 22, 2008

a weekend in the city

Nick & I got to spend a long weekend in NYC this weekend. It is soooo nice to see old friends. We both wished we all lived closer. Thanks to John & Maribel for so graciously opening up their home!

My dear friend Julie & I at her Brooklyn wedding bash. Thanks for a great party Julie & Scott!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Country Gal

The weather is (finally) getting a little bit cooler this week. Abby wore a pair of overalls to daycare today. I hope she is still average height. We have her 18mos appt a bit late (mid-Oct) so we'll have to wait and see for the official results. She's wearing old overalls from last year that were too big for her then, they are a bit small now.

All that aside, she wore a bandana at daycare and looks like a down from the country gal!!

For anyone taking notice, I am TRYING to hone up on my photoshop skills. I am always extremely inspired by Riot's Wall Collage.

HEY LOOK!! A picture I actually took @ home (smirk) :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ring Around the Rosie

Ring around the rosie, a pocket full of posie, ashes, ashes, we all FALL DOWN!!

Hello, this is Abby calling... can I talk to???? :) She really does like talking on the phone. She usually asks for "Dadda" if I pick up the phone. Lately she'll say "hammee" (her version of Halmuhnee - Grandmom in Korean). She likes to push the buttons and has on more than 1 occasion hung up on my parents. It's OK though, in their eyes, their only grandchild does no wrong.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Movin' Up!

Tomorrow is Abby's last full day in the "Younger Toddler" class. Ms Ty-eysha was kind enough to put together this little book of memories of dear Abby. (THANKS Ms. Ty-eysha!!)

Key Pages:
During her transition, Learning to walk (hooray!) Abby was a bit of a slow walker... she started walking around when she was ~14mos., Face Painting, Swim Day, Easter Party, etc... just to name a few.

Abby's 1st Curl

As an add-on to Abby's 1st haircut, I finally put the little lock of hair away. Nick's God Mother had sent these super adorable 1st curl and 1st tooth boxes when Abby was 1st born. I remember thinking, it's going to be a long time before I can use these guys. So I put the boxes away way in the tippy top of her closet. I got them out today with a (sigh) and thought my little girl is growing up...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Abby & Brandon are playing much nicer these days. (Abby was not so nice to Brandon - click here - telling him to talk to the hand!)

How sweet today they are both giving each other hugs.

Monday, September 8, 2008


This week is Abby's last full week in the "Younger Toddler" class. Among other things, I think we *all* will miss all the pictures from dear Ms. Ty-eysha. So enjoy for now...

bucket hat:

looks like little miss trouble

Abby telling a friend to "mooooooovvvve" (move) she loves to emphasis her "o's"

Friday, September 5, 2008

Playing outside and naptime

Abby & Brandon playing outside.

Abby cuddling with her teddy bear. How sweet!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Maybe I am getting too big?

Abby's stuck in the toy box again. Just like from this shot (click here - remember this one?)

Poor girl, looks like her butt got too big to go in this way! She is after all going to move up to the Older Toddler class in a few weeks. Abby's now the oldest one in her Younger Todd's class. Time flies.

Yeah I don't think this toy box is for my size anymore...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Princess Abby

The girl hates to wear hats but when it comes to wearing a crown, I guess no girl can resist! :)