Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A day at the Lazy 5 Ranch

my favorite shot. tall guy looks like he's smiling :)

gotta love the burros greeting people as they drive in

funky ostrich

was this the world's largest antelope? we saw so many diff animals it was a bit hard to remember them all...

dropping the feed into the guy's mouth. check out his tongue!~

shy little guy

3 ostrich

the one on the right is still hungry...

the 17-yr old giraffe finally made his way over

almost looked like he was nipping at the young giraffe's ear, must be the angle?

make note of this extremely large chick-fil-a cow lookalike... you'll see him up close in a sec!

whad' I tell ya?! dude was loving some grub

too funny not to post! :)

Abby finally worked up the courage to feed the llamas

50 State puzzler

Saturday, September 4, 2010