Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A big girl's room

Abby's big girl purple room. An extra big thank you to Nick's parents for painting & the curtains!! It was finally completed some mos ago, its taken me awhile to share...

Polka-dots by Abby & Mommy :)

Holden Beach 2010 (part 2)

beach bum with Mom-Mom's beach hat

flying a kite with her Pop-Pop

Day 2 of preschool

Taking ol' Sparky out :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Holden Beach 2010

Some pix from our annual Holden Beach, NC getaway. Unfortunately as I don't have any vacation days Nick & I only spent a weekend there. FORTUNATELY my sis Jenny, brother in law Abe & nephew Isaac were able to come down. It was Isaac's 1st trip to the beach! We hadn't seen them since Christmas since they've been finishing up their missions trip in the UK. They will be getting ready to move to Chicago in the coming days. So the trip was all too short & sweet.

A very special thank you to Mike & Sue Gregory for having us!

Hope to see Abe, Jenny & Isaac again very very soon. We miss you already.

the whole gang! THANKS we had a blast :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

NC Zoo

this is one of my new all-time favs :)

Mom Mom & Abby

Pop Pop & Abby

Random shots in no particular order...

there's an old pic of my grandfather with a wall full of orchids, the flowers reminded me of the shot so I asked Nick to take this pic ;) I'm such a dweeb (& I love it!)

during the carousel ride...... happy as a clam!

& after, apparently the ride was way too short lived!

family shots @ the orchid alcove

it was a very hot afternoon, even the elephants thought so

cooling off @ the misty sprinklers