Saturday, May 30, 2009

When Elmo Grows Up!

We spent a fun-filled Gregory Saturday together. We took Abby to see Sesame Street Live - When Elmo Grows Up! this afternoon. She loved it! We had great seats, 1st row in the side section at the end. Pictures courtesy of Nick :)

The whole gang

Her eyes were glued to the stage!

Daddy & Daughter fun during the intermission. The resemblance is uncanny.

The characters came by (mostly to the floor seats) but this time Count came by and said "hi" to Abby. There was another character (girl w/a bookbag??) but I don't know who she is. Zoe came too but she left too fast for a photo op.

Grand Finale - The Pageant song

We went to Downtown Live afterwards and Abby saw Stormy there. She is surprisingly very good w/dress up characters.

Playing in the inflatable jumparoo thing

We had a very tasty dinner out at The Flying Biscuit in Cameron Village. I am glad it is not too close to home or work, otherwise I'd be making stops there much more often. Even Abby ate her french toast. I thought she didn't like french toast, maybe its just mine... I won't be too offended, theirs was extremely good! I love places that serve breakfast all day long.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Strawberry Picking

Abby & I were invited to spend the morning at Vollmer's Farm in Bunn, NC. We went with the Wall's, Cruz's and Jong families. Abby's strawberry picking was very short lived. She said she had to "go poopy" so we walked back to the Farm Market - where coincidentally there are a bunch of kids toy & activities set-up. She didn't end up pooping after all, then didn't want to go back to picking either. At least I had picked a bucket, Abby picked a couple. It ended up raining for a short time so her timing was good in that sense. We stayed dry and our friends came back wet! One friend actually went back to picking after it cleared up (she doesn't mess around!)

So we stayed around and played... as you can see most of the pictures are of playing & not picking! Abby has talked about the having been to the strawberry farm everytime we talk about any kind of farm this week, so I guess she had a good time with or without the berries.

the horse swing made out of a recycled tire; riding the john deere trike

flying the great pumpkin airplane with buddy Jayden
& just for laughs :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Grocering shopping and booties

Abby finally found the kids training grocery carts. She was so excited when she saw it I didn't have the heart to plop her into cart seat. So this week's short & sweet trip that should have taken 1/2 hr (would take Nick 1/2 that time)... took 1 1/2 hrs!!! Yikes... she had a blast though.

Random picture. Abby's class is directly across from the infant room, she usually peaks in and smooshes her face on the glass. She must have seen parents and teachers putting the bootie cover on their shoes before entering the infant room. This time she stooped down and wanted to put the booties on too.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sydney's Birthday Party

This past weekend we went to our dear friend Sydney's 6th birthday party at Graystone Farm in Reidsville, NC. It was a blast - how could it not be with pony rides, games, good ol' fun on the farm. They had the cleanest barn I have ever been to in my life, I couldn't believe the ponies were kept there at night. I know I'm no expert since I haven't been to too many farms or barns in my life but I wasn't the only one that said this.

Abby rode on Sandy the pony. Her 1st turn, Abby was led by a jr volunteer and I. She went around at least 4x's and didn't want to get off. For her 2nd turn she went on Sandy again with a different jr volunteer and Nick but she was done after going around1/2 way. She still did way better than we imagined. It is 3 days later, she's still jabbering on & on about Sydney's party.

Here are some video clips from our new super cool Flip mino HD video cam.

Video: Abby riding Sandy the pony

Video: Abby enjoying cake (what else is new?) For the record at this party, Abby was saying "good party" even before the cake & ice cream was served.

Pictures from Sydney's Party

Sydney the birthday girl all ready for her pony ride

Syd & Hannah doubled-up on Toby the pony

Abby getting her little helmet on for her ride

Abby & Nick on her 2nd turn on Sandy

playing around in the barn, they had toys & games set up for the kids.

Meeting a cat I think for the 1st time. She wasn't too excited when I told her the cat was bathing herself. Maybe she's a dog person.

thought this was a cool rustic barn located behind the big barn. I later found out the port-a-jon was in front of it. btw it was sincerely the homiest port a pottie ever, w/a horse mat inside, wipes and horse stickers for decorations.

Cowboy Thompson, he plays the role so well

Riding the Bull

Playing the cowboy dress-up game, it was hilarious. Abby was racing back and had her tongue all hanging out, I wish I could have gotten it on video or photo.

Monday, May 11, 2009

2 year portraits

Pictures by our photographer friend Amanda (click here to visit her site). She has tons of props and a great home studio in Cary, NC.

Her "hambok dress" my mom sent when she was 1st born. I can't believe she can finally fit into it now.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Brandon's Birthday

Abby's friend Brandon had some birthday festivies. Our kid sure loves cake!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

New header

Here's a preview.

I got Abby's 2 year portraits back. Thats where I got the new header collage. More pix to come.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Water Mountains

Abby & I went to North Hills tonight. She loved the water fountains (or as she called it water mountains, then later pountains) :) It was a love/scare thing with her. She was so intrigued by the water and walked along the seating area but it scared her at the same time. She threw in all of my pennies. Walked around the fountain 3 more x's. Went to Learning Xpress Toys. She surprisingly put her toys away after playing and we left the store empty-handed (after I told her we could see the fountains again). I love it when I'm one-step ahead of her.

We saw a little girl in a jewelry store with a paci. I asked Abby is she had a paci and she "yes". To which I countered yes a Paci Monkey, you're a big girl now, she's 2 years old and doesn't need a paci anymore. She said "my big girl, Abby's 2, no paci"... my little girl is growing up.

Abby scared:

Popsicles are good

My little Abby may not eat too many Korean things but desserts are always YES! Here she is chomping down on a red bean popsicle. For those that haven't had one before, its good don't let the "bean" ditter you, its sweet. BTW they also make red bean ice cream, green tea ice cream is also a winner in my book but I digress.